20% OFF Select Nut Products – Go NUTS for Dad!
Buying something for mom for Mother’s Day comes naturally. Between pretty flowers, scented candles, and comfy PJ’s, the gift options seem endless. However, when it comes to buying something for dad for Father’s Day, options become somewhat limited. ou could always buy him another tool… but that’s what you got him last year. You could buy him a tie… but that feels a little close to cliché. Gift cards feel a little impersonal and underwear feels a little TOO personal.
Not to worry. This year, Collin Street Bakery has something every dad will love. We’re talking about our deliciously, iconic nutty goodies. Goodies like our indulgent Pecan Pie, rich Fudge Pecan Pie, nutty Pecan Brittle, crunchy Peanut Brittle, and sweet n’ savory Pecan Bread, NOW 20% OFF for the entire month of June!
Don’t go nuts over what to give dad this Father’s Day. Instead, give dad nuts and indulge his sweet tooth. Swing by any of our Collin Street Bakery Café locations to pick up your dad’s day gifts!