Collin Street Bakery & Cafe

Iconic Collin Street Bakery Street Sign

What is Collin Street Bakery Known For?

We have many varieties as we have branched out over the years to create pecan cakes made from the same basic batter as the fruitcakes we all know & love, but focus on just one fruit instead of the many on the Deluxe Original fruitcake.

The Pineapple Pecan Cake is made with pineapples from our own pineapple farm in Costa Rica! The Apricot Pecan Cake deliciously moist & yummy! One of my favorites is the Texas Blonde Pecan Cake, which is much the same as our Deluxe, but less fruity & nuttier!

When I think of fruitcake, I think of Collin Street Bakery & Cafe. While we have 5 locations, the one in downtown Corsicana is the original and houses the factory that produces all these fruitcakes to be shipped all over!

Many generations stop at this location every year to shop for holiday gifts, grab a cup of our Cinchona coffee or freshly-made hot cocoa, and a quick sandwich from our cafe before they head back out on the road to see their loved ones during the holiday season. It’s a tradition to stop by that has passed from generation to generation.

So this holiday season, while you’re traveling to spend time with loved ones, don’t forget to stop by the cookie counter and grab a free cookie to sample or a last minute cake, pie, or chocolate bar!

– Stefanie S., Collin Street Bakery Employee